Student Delinquent Account Information Skip to main content

Student Delinquent Account Information

If debts have accumulated beyond the due date the following recourse may be taken by the University:

  1. The student will not be allowed to advance register for future semesters or terms.
  2. Cancellation of registration when debts become past due after registration has taken place. Students with a bad debt history are required to pay in full for tuition and other charges before being allowed to register.
  3. Withholding of academic credit. No transcript of credits, recommendation, registration or re-admission to the University will be allowed until the obligation is cleared.
  4. The University may assess (a) a financial charge in the amount of one percent (1%) per month against all unpaid debts over thirty days old, (b) all late charges, and (c) all cost of collection incurred by BYU–Hawaii including reasonable cost, expense, and attorney's fee incurred in collecting the debt.

These steps may be taken without further notice if a satisfactory arrangement is not made after the student has once been notified regarding his or her financial responsibility.