Financial Holds Skip to main content

Financial Holds

Financial holds for non-paid charges for tuition, housing, meal plans, etc, must be paid in full in order to enroll in classes, receive a transcript, or receive a diploma. After the past-due payment is made, the financial hold will automatically be removed approximately an hour after the payment was made. If you need the financial hold removed sooner, please call (808) 675-3706 or (808) 675-3524.

Other Holds 

For information related to these specific holds, please contact the appropriate billing department. Scroll to the right for more contact information.

Hold Description  Department to Contact  Email Address  Phone Number 
Student Medical Benefit Penalty  Health Services (808) 675-3512 
Health Center Balance Health Services (808) 675-3510 
Book loan  BYUH Store  (808) 675-3563 
Textbook fees  BYUH Store  (808) 675-3569 
Housing (Hale and TVA fee)  Housing Operations  (808) 675-3534 
Meal Plan  Food Services  (808) 675-3570 
IWORK Loan  Accounts Payable  (808) 675-3727 
Club fees Student Leadership & Service (808) 675-3552 
IWORK payback  Financial Aid  (808) 675-3316