Exception Check Policy Skip to main content

Exception Check Policy

In order to accommodate the need of all departments and eliminate the need for exception checks, University disbursement checks are processed twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Check requisitions received by the Accounts Payable Department by 10 am each Tuesday and Thursday are processed. Checks are mailed by Wednesday and Friday. On occasion, this schedule is changed for special circumstances such as holidays. All University departments are notified when this is the case.

Due to processing checks twice a week, exception checks will be approved only for the unusual and emergency-like situation and will require approval by the Director of Financial Services. Note that this is the exception, not the rule. Financial Services reserves the right to charge a $25.00 fee for each exception check processed (payable by CPO and prepared by the requesting department). The purpose of this fee is to encourage planning and to discourage the excessive use of exception checks. Financial Services does not benefit from charging such fees, rather, the fees are coded to a general University revenue account.